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Halloween.......and costumes!
Published on Oct 24, 2016 16:42

Halloween at St. Nicholas.....students are welcome to wear their costumes to school, with some clear understanding:
1)  It must be appropriate and meet our dress code.  We are a faith-filled school and will enjoy celebrating this fun day!
2)  No make up or masks please, as make up could get onto another persons costume or clothes and masks can be lost and are unsafe when it comes to navigating our school safely!
3)  No weapons or anything weapon-like....we want to be safe and have fun!
4)  No additional accessories that may be left behind at school, or broken accidentally.  Keep those extra pieces at home and enjoy them when you go out 'Trick-or-Treating'!! 
Finally - We ask that you NOT send any candy or treat bags with your children to share with their peers, as we cannot account for allergies!  If you insist, then please share NON-food items with your children's classmates!  Thank you for your on-going support in this matter.